论文题目 刊物名称
黄河源区生态保护与草牧业发展关键技术及优化模式 资源科学 2020
基于高通量测序技术的藏系绵羊瘤胃与 粪便微生物群落结构差异分析 西北农业学报 2020
青藏高原高寒地区生态草牧业可持续发展:原理、技术与实践 生态学报 2020
青海省海北地区高寒草甸群落特征和生物量对短期休牧的响应 草业学报 2020
日粮精料比例对牦牛春季生长性能、 血液代谢和养殖收益的影响 西南农业学报 2020
三江源草地多功能性及其调控途径 资源科学 2020
三江源国家公园不同草地土壤微生物功能基因的差异性分析 生态环境学报 2020
三江源国家公园典型高寒草地冷季牧草营养特征与 食草动物承载力 科学通报 2020
正交法优化超临界CO2流体萃取糖茶藨籽油工艺的探究 分子植物育种 2020
青藏高原牦牛遗传资源保护和利用:问题与展望 生态学报 2020
E4 Transcription Factor 1 (E4F1) Regulates Sertoli Cell Proliferation and Fertility in Mice Animals 2020
Function and transcriptomic dynamics of Sertoli cells during prospermatogonia development in mouse testis Reproductive Biology 2020
Ring 1 and YY1 Binding Protein Expressed in Murine Spermatocytes but Dispensable for Spermatogenesis Genes 2020
The expression of histone methyltransferases and distribution of selected histone methylations in testes of yak and cattle-yak hybrid Theriogenology 2020
Wtap function in Sertoli cells is essential for sustaining spermatogonial stem cell niche Stem Cell Reports 2020
高原鼢鼠精子发生的形态学特征和关键调控因子探究 兽类学报 2020
Characteristics of the mitochondrial genome of Qinling zokor (Eospalax rufescens) Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2020
Next generation sequencing yields the complete mitogenome of Smith's zokor (Eospalax smithii) Mitochondrial DNA Part B 2020
Assessing the impact of climate change on the spatio-temporal distribution of footand-mouth disease risk for elephants Global Ecology and Conservation 2020
Grazing Management Influences Gut Microbial Diversity of Livestock in the Same Area Sustainability 2020